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Amaha Altaye Ayana

አዲስ አበባ

የኢሜይል አድራሻ: a*************@g*****.com አልተረጋገጠም
የሞባይል ስልክ ቁጥር: +251*******80 ተረጋግጧል

viewed 5 times

ስለ እኔ
የትምሕርት ደረጃ
ዕድሜ 65
ፆታ Male
ይናገራል አማርኛ English
A civil engineer with experience in site planning shelter and construction. worked with Ethiopian building construction authority, Prefabricaated Building Parts Production Authority and UNHCR. Oversease experience in Liberia, Ruwanda, Uganda and Nigeris refugees emergency response.
ክህሎቶች (ችሎታዎች)
ፖርትፎሊዮ እና ድጋፍ ሰጪ ሰነዶች
ይህ ተጠቃሚ ምንም ፖርትፎሊዮ ገና አልጫነም።