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Henok Yadessa

አዲስ አበባ

የኢሜይል አድራሻ: h***************@g*****.com ተረጋግጧል
የሞባይል ስልክ ቁጥር: +251*******85 ተረጋግጧል

viewed 5 times

ስለ እኔ
የትምሕርት ደረጃ
ዕድሜ 26
ፆታ Male
ይናገራል አማርኛ English Afaan Oromoo
My name is henok i am graphics designer, video editor and motion designer i have an experience with graphics design and video editing + social media manager for 4+ years on a big companies - loud promotion - letarik advertising and printing press - Ttree Advertising - Nestle Properties & on different remote works, Prepare company Brand Guidelines so i need to work this now if you need contact me @dedicatedever 0929406785 Henok
ክህሎቶች (ችሎታዎች)
ፖርትፎሊዮ እና ድጋፍ ሰጪ ሰነዶች
ይህ ተጠቃሚ ምንም ፖርትፎሊዮ ገና አልጫነም።